An-Noor Quran Academy’s 11th Annual Fundraising

Anas bin Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “No Muslim plants a tree or sows seeds and then a bird, or a human, or an animal eats from it but that it is charity for him.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 2195, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1553

Chairman Letter

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Al-Ḥamdu lillāh, your generous support of the An Noor Qur’an Academy has resulted in tremendous gains for our school, the students and the community at large. As the new Chairman of the Board for An Noor, I am writing to thank you for your past support, share specific examples of our progress as a school, and invite you and your family to join An-Noor Quran Academy’s 11th Annual Virtual Fundraiser on Saturday, May 16th at 5:30 pm insha’Allah.

As you know, An Noor Qur’an Academy is committed to the holistic education of its students, merging traditional methods of Qur’an education and standard curriculum for the sciences, humanities & the arts. We train our students to become hafiz al Qur’an while also preparing them to learn critical thinking skills, problem solving skills, build their confidence and help them matriculate in the best colleges and universities. Your support enables us to recruit the best teachers and provide the best curriculum to make this possible.  Our graduates have gone on to some of the top colleges and some have become strong contributors to our local community.

An Noor Qur’an Academy is also committed to developing human capital that serves our community to fulfill critical obligations and responsibilities. We have graduated more than 50 ḥuffāẓ who annually lead taraweeh prayers at Masājid across the region in communities who may not otherwise have access to ḥuffāẓ to lead taraweeh prayers. We’ve also allocated a portion of our budget for teacher development and continued our successful alumni engagement program. Your support provides financial resources necessary to generate this human capacity and insha'Allah that support will bring tremendous blessings to you in return many times over.

We recognize that to attract and develop the best students we must also recruit the best teachers. To that end, thanks to your support, Shk. Hoosain Dalvi recently joined us from South Africa as our Principal.  He has highly sought-after credentials in Qur’an ḥifdh and recitation. He has deep experience building a school and its curriculum based on his work in South Africa – where the institution of teaching Islamic studies has been part of the local Muslim culture for about 400 years! After seeing the progress of An Noor Qur’an Academy and its vision, Shk. Hoosain Dalvi decided to emigrate from South Africa to Raleigh, NC and join us full time, thereby adding tremendous capacity for our program.

As COVID-19 has ravaged the world and our community in the last few months, the school administration and board decided to preemptively train the teachers and prepare the students for on-line learning, even before Wake County decided to close the schools. With Allah Subḥānahu Wa Ta’ala help, the online transition was smooth, Alhamdulillah. But COVID-19 response has also impacted our initial budget and we expect more students needing financial support to continue their hifdh studies.

Undoubtedly, this will be a challenging year for all of us. But with full tawakkul in Allah Subḥānahu Wa Ta’ala, we will continue to invest in capabilities of An Noor Qur’an Academy to provide a world class learning environment and one day envision An Noor Qur’an Academy to become an Islamic University insha'Allah. That is what we are working towards and are committed to building next generation of American Muslim talent and leadership.

This is a crucial and pivotal year for An Noor Qur’an Academy. With over 10th year of service to the community and with our new Principal, our ability to deliver on the vision of An Noor Qur’an Academy is only strengthening. We need your support to maintain our trajectory and ensure that our students receive the best Quranic, science, humanities and arts education to holistically prepare them to excel in the world they graduate into as young adults.  Please join us on this mission and renew your contribution to An Noor Qur’an Academy by mailing your checks to 808 Atwater Street, Raleigh NC 27607.

Alternatively please visit our website and donate online.

Anas bin Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “No Muslim plants a tree or sows seeds and then a bird, or a human, or an animal eats from it but that it is charity for him.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 2195, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 1553

We all pray that Allah Subḥānahu Wa Ta’ala may bless your wealth and your family, accept your contribution as a continuous source of charity and elevate your rank in Jannah to the highest degree (Ameen). 2019-20 Highlights.

Jazāk Allāhu Khayran
Farooq Cheema
Chairman of the Board

Annual An Noor Quran Academy is honored to invite you and your family to its An-Noor Quran Academy’s 11th Annual Fundraising Virtual Event titled “Planting Seeds For The Future” on Saturday, May 16th at 5:30 pm Insha’Allah.
This is a special opportunity to not just make a donation, but rather secure a deposit in your account with Allah Subḥānahu wa-taʿālā in the Akhira where it will Insha’Allah multiply as Sadaqa Jariya.
Eleven years ago, our community was blessed with the establishment of a unique school that specializes in Qur’an memorization, striving to instill the light of the Holy Qur’an into the hearts and minds of our youth, while fulfilling their academic needs and shaping them into future leaders.
Today, as we celebrate 11 years of An Noor Qur’an Academy (ANQA) we thank Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala for his blessings and are grateful for your support for An Noor School in helping achieve the following milestones
2019-20 Highlights
- 54 graduates who have memorized the entire Qur’an
- 75 full-time students on their path to becoming Hufaadh/Hafidhaat
- Nearly 100 students learning in An Noor’s after school programs
- Leading daily congregational prayers students/alumni at various masajid
- Leading Taraweeh prayers in over half dozen masajid in the Triangle
- Hundreds of hours of volunteer work and community outreach
- Outstanding academic achievement
- 100% college matriculation

As we plan for the next 11 years and march ahead with istiqamah (steadfastness), An Noor School aspires to become one of the premier Islamic institutions in this country. However, we need your continued support and dua’as to achieve our goals. Your participation at this special event and show of support for this noble cause means a lot to the school!
On behalf of the entire An Noor School team, we pray that every letter from the Holy Qur’an recited by our students be a source of great blessings for you, and that Allahsubhanahu wa ta’ala make your support of An Noor School a source of continuous charity for you and your families (Aameen).

Jazakum Allahu Khairan.
An Noor Qur’an Academy (ANQA)
808 Atwater Street Raleigh, NC 27607